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The Choctawhatchee Bay is the Way, Today!

I noticed even before leaving land today that the conditions were ripening for a great bay sail. A steady, southeast wind, blowing 15-20 knots, hits my face with that marvelous, moist, salty air that reminds me of home. How could I ever stray from the sweet sting of ocean air that relays freedom abounds over these tempest waves, calling man to sea? Ah, but enough reflection, back to the sailboat to raise the main sail and prep the jib for a fantastic sail on Destin's Choctawhatchee Bay. I dare not go into the Gulf of Mexico as the wind from the southeast drives out of Tampa, makes for a longer fetch on the wave. The longer fetch, by the way, the more monstrous becomes the wave! I shirk the thought of turning the normally stable, barely-rocking Stilleto 27 catamaran hulls into the likes of a man trying to ride two horses, one with each foot. Dare I not test my skills so far as one wise man said, "choose your battles!" So I opt for the "fetching" speed of the protected waters of the bay, as the fetch is easy on the hulls and the wind moves at steadily challenging speed for raising the jib. Meaning, this captain may sip his Oolong tea now and then, after setting each change in course with the ropes. A pleasant day for a sailing charter, indeed!

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